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“General Orientations” concerning the Moorea’s PGEM

Home ActualitésNews in English“General Orientations” concerning the Moorea’s PGEM

“General Orientations” concerning the Moorea’s PGEM

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Each one bringing his stone to the building, a member took the initiative to ask directly to the DRM what was the situation of the moorings currently on Moorea. His message was transferred to the Commune of Moorea, in particular to the persons in charge of the Maritime Pole and thus of the PGEM.

Here is what it comes out.
Concerning the mooring on Moorea, the general orientations are :

"Article 11. - Anchoring

Anchoring is defined as :

The action of immobilizing a vessel at sea by means of an anchor, using the apparatuses[i] of anchoring (chains, humps, windlass or capstan...) ;
Permanent mooring consisting of a float (buoy or trunk), held in a fixed position by a mooring body placed on the bottom, in a sheltered place;

Except in cases of force majeure or when the boat is used for fishing purposes, anchoring from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. is forbidden in the entire lagoon outside of the zones dedicated to anchoring as provided for in articles 50 and 51.

The anchoring of any boat is only authorized on sandy bottoms. The anchor and the chain must not touch coral, even if it is isolated.
Anchoring is prohibited in the marked navigation channels, except in cases of force majeure.

III. Vessels with toilets must be equipped with a wastewater recovery system and biodegradable detergents.

No waste, even biodegradable, must be thrown into the water. Wastewater must be discharged in accordance with the regulations in force. Onshore services are provided to ensure the management of waste and wastewater (???).

The vessel must be seaworthy with the ability to maneuver and be properly guarded and monitored."


To date, the organized anchorage areas seem to have been defined and placed on maps (those of the quotas?) and the functioning of each of them must be specified (duration of anchorage, type of anchorage, fees?) with the assistance of the Polynesian Directorate of Maritime Affairs (DPAM) in order to transfer this ministerial decree into "loi Pays" (= official conutry's law).

So for the moment, there are no authorized anchorage areas managed by the Municipality in Moorea.
A last precision, and not the least, would stipulate that in any case, the text which remains applicable for the moment concerning the parking is defined by the decree n°1211 AU of 24/08/1983.
Yes, you read it right ... 1983 !

So here it is: Order n° 1211 AU of 24_08_1983

We already find this denomination against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen "The parking of floating homes is prohibited on the territorial public maritime domain outside of authorized areas". So be it.

But what about this famous 48-hour limitation? It is not mentioned here in any case.
Where does it come from ?
It appears in the decree n°410 CM of 21/10/2004. But apart from a so-called "tacit" implementation that was instituted between the Municipality and the boaters, no information on the return of fines for the offenders has been found. This is why the approach of the new PGEM, certainly released by the Order No. 2009 CM of 10/09/2021, seems to want to go further by simply passing the PGEM in "Country law", in order to be able to certainly foresee a Nautical Brigade being able to verbalize.

If this remains as it is and if it is applied, good luck to this "Brigade" to manage the logistics of the anchorages, but above all it will be necessary to define the responsibilities in case of danger if the "Brigade" forces a sailboat to leave an anchorage when the weather is not good, or when it is going to be dark, or when there is an engine problem, or...

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