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Minutes of the meeting of 19/07/19 at punauuia Town Hall –

Home Minutes of AVP meetingsMinutes of the meeting of 19/07/19 at punauuia Town Hall –

Minutes of the meeting of 19/07/19 at punauuia Town Hall –

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Minutes of the meeting of 19/07/19 at Punauuia Town Hall

Subject: Presentation of the charter and Bora Bora situation

Were present:
Arnaud Jordan
Eric Pinel
Bernard Guillou
Régine Rehel
Florent Gachod

Nathalie Garnier

---------------------------------------------------- Start: 6:05 p.m. ----------------------------------------------------------

- We are at more than 155 members - a new membership at this meeting: Marie de Bora
- Fakarava's antenna begins to provide memberships
- Significant drop in the number of subscribers to the newsletter, Arnaud will look in the database to find the cause.

Start of the meeting: presentation of each one by a round table.


We are at zero level: presenting the charter to the members, then will come the following levels (press, high commissioner, politics, etc...)
This charter refers to existing texts and takes the lead on future regulations that will be unavoidable. Its goal is to take a first step to be recognized, the idea is not to go to the front with the earthlings but to negotiate and propose.
We would like this charter to become a reference document (for example: giving the procedures for crossing the runway axis, a meeting is scheduled with the lookout this Wednesday)
Charter logo: "A paruuru te moana" translates as "I protect my ocean"
The charter will be bilingual, plus a Tahitian version (under consideration)
Everyone makes charters, we have been inspired by many and we have added local specificities.
The text of this charter is turned in such a way as to adapt to all situations, limiting to the maximum extreme constraints.
In the minds of the people here the lagoon is part of the property so we respect it.
Finally, this charter will not be mandatory for the members of the AVP, those who adhere to it will be able to raise the flag of the charter and thus show everyone that we are not polluters because we respect the sea.
Change on Article 5: Adding "near mooring"
Luke's idea: go with this charter to see the renters and charters


It's still completely unclear, several boats are out of zone, all have been checked but no verbalization at the moment.
The text is ambiguous, we may have the right to wet freely 24 hours and beyond we must take a dead body. BBMS controls the boats as soon as they arrive in the past.
The mooring area is mandatory, it is managed by the company BBMS in its entirety.
The AVP does not have enough reliable information about Bora's situation, Eric asks Marie to create an antenna and unite as many members as possible so that we can defend Bora with The DPAM for example.


The end of the Bublique investigation was April 27, 2019, the report of the investigating commissioner was to be available 1 month later, on May 27, the document was not made public but Bernard managed to obtain it.
The result is not good, the investigating commissioner did not take into account the many comments and proposals made by the AVP, and the other 69 participants in this investigation.

------------------------------------ End of meeting: 9:----------------------------------------------------- p.m.

Prepared as usual mainly by Régine

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