Minutes of the working meeting of 26/08/19
Were present:
Arnaud Jordan
Nathalie Garnier (host)
Bernard Guillou
Régine Rehel
Florent Gachod
Eric Pinel
----------------------------------------------- Start: 8:15 a.m. ----------------------------------------------
- Divide the tasks, make working groups, you have to get help and not support all the work that remains to be done. Make a Newsletter to find volunteers and/or through Facebook.
Régine offers workshops (or training) to attract people and collect labour for our working groups.
- The English translation is in progress (Vanessa), but no way to translate it into Tahitian.
- The amendment proposed by Luke at the last meeting at Punaauia Town Hall was made (addition of the phrase "near mooring" in Article 5).
- The next step will be to have it "sponsored" by relevant authorities: Minister of Tourism, Environment, DPAM, High Commissioner, representative associations such as FAPE and others.
- The charter will be proposed at the next AG for its final validation.
- We are already thinking of means of dissemination (such as a brochure distributed by the gendarmerie when entering the territory)
FINALISATION of the presentation of the asso on the drive, it will be done today by Arnaud and Régine
WORK GROUP on waste in the islands (Regina) and at the Taina Marina; poster productions to improve sorting.
- The AVP has been contacted by the Raiatea gendarmerie. They don't really know which texts to apply; the various authorities are sending each other back the hot potato. The gendarmerie strongly condemns the use of violence.
- There is no specific local regulatory text regarding this area; There is no such thing as a 48-hour time limit; we have the right to wet there, it is a good shelter in case of maraamu.
- Arnaud must call back the gendarmerie. The area should not be appropriated, as parking is too long could be abusive.
- A complaint has been filed by a sailboat and another sailboat may do so, we will contact them for more information.
- Online pre-complaint is possible: https://www.pre-plainte-en-ligne.gouv.fr/ (for individuals only)
- We will contact the collective created for Mirimiri and we will also contact the sailboats involved.
- BBMS did not respond to the AVP's email asking it to provide its insurance terms.
- BBMS prevents any fairground mooring.
- BBMS charges 3000F/day its buoy without any service, compared to 500F/day in Taina with lots of free or paid services (safe land access, drinking water, showers and toilets, supervised parking, etc. ...)
- We will write to the mayor (open letter) to ask him for a free and free mooring area, and to question him about prohibitive prices for no service and no access to land.
- Put the investigator commissioner's report online with our opinion
- Search for information on the progress of the case
- The nautical fleas in Taravao went well; necessarily limited attendance
- Next chips:
--- on October 6, 2019 in Taina, with, if possible, workshop to open a life raft
--- probably in Nov/Dec at the YC d'Arue, with Men's at Sea workshop.
-------------------------------------- End of the meeting: 12:15 ---------------------------------------------