CR office meeting 2019-11-05
Yacht Club Arue
7:00-10:30 p.m.
Full office
Arnaud's preanbule:
Arnaud wants to maintain the entire office until 2020, so succeed in working together. We have entered into a political communication, we have to round the corners, we have to agree on who does what and who does it.
Be careful not to engage the AVP in a process it does not want.
Bouissou Conference
- Missed in the broadcast of the CR, sent to others than our members; limited reactions. As expected, disastrous and unbearable comments on FaceBook
- Arnaud: contact with Valentina Cross (UPLD)
- will ask an oral question at the PF meeting soon
- wonders if Bouissou would play the division
- Very very good article in the Dispatch following our press release (but article about wreck PaoPao in the same issue of the newspaper ...)
- See coordination with US sailboats
A look back at the points discussed at the last meeting of 22/10 at Nathalie:10
- Request to the mayor of Punaauia: we send the letter.
- Request to visit the mayor of Bora: the letter is sent
- Relaunchthe sailboats of the fairground anchorage, non-members: Florent had already made a tour, without much success ...
- PGEM Moorea review: according to Eric sources, the text would pass before the municipal elections in 2020, and probably this November
- Seamanship training: defection of Mathieu Angelin, who leaves the Fenua; find a next replacement (see Ben Parnaudeau ???)
- Response to "accusations" of pollution of the waters of sailboat moorings: water analyses by lab; ILM quote received, expectation of CAIRAP's; Complete difference of opinion on the subject between the members of the board.
- Regina boating questionnaire: current project writing; to continue
- AVP "official" positioning document on multiple topics: Florent had put on the drive a fortnight ago a project, members not all aware, to complete
- "AVP" insurance: first requests for quotes
- Meetings authorities: Arnaud can't train other members
- Catamaran Archer: Eric offered him the lawyer Anne Michel (specialist in maritime transport law); search for the BBMS insurer? (C. Rocheteau should know, ask him)
- Contact with a doctor of law, Julie Cornu (spelling?), who could help us: arrange a meeting; Mail?
- Contribution 2020: divergent positions of board members; in the end, the majority maintains the contribution at 2000 xpf. The 2020 contribution starts now. The AVP website makes it clear (readable to reinforce) that the contribution is calendar (until December 31 of the AAAA year). Additional revenue will be generated through the sale of the Ecocean Pavilion.
- Hello Asso: very French-French, does not accept foreign credit cards, text not in English, ... but free.
Other solutions exist (PayBox, ...) but paying, forcing to change banks (much more expensive in the end) ...
According to Eric, the bulk of the 2020 membership recruitment will come from partners in the islands: making it easier for them to pay.
- Membership cards 2020: order (400).
- Ecocean Pavilions: waiting / received (samples).
- Association A Tia Matairea (Huahine): an association aimed at improving the living environment of the inhabitants and protecting the coral. Pambrun (reputed) is one of them.
Christian Colombes negotiates on request of the AVP (sic) with this asso for the installation of mooring buoys, to prohibit the traditional anchorage on anchor of the platelet in front of Fare, among others. The previous buoys installed by the town hall were severed quickly for the most part; the bottom attachment screws still exist and could be reused. Eric's project is: Create a partnership with this association, define with it the mooring areas and finance new moorings by the AVP (hopeful lying town hall participation, help ingesting potential suppliers, ..., overall estimate 200,000 xpf), daily follow-up by A Tia Mataira; free according to AVP, paying according to city hall. It would become the "dead bodies of the AVP", surveillance by the Huahine asso and by the users themselves, communication "give to the AVP if you use these dead bodies". Stephanie Betz seems very supportive. Some potential problems: wetting new sectioned by locals? Squatting of moorings: no way to evict; this is currently the case for one of these moorings...; Degraded AVP image in case of failure.
- Structuring communication and transparency of exchanges: internal debate in the office.
In conclusion, Arnaud asks to put the AVP in copy so that the whole office is aware of the work in progress.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 19, 8:00 a.m.