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Outumaoro : hide these unwanted sailboats …

Home Association in the mediaOutumaoro : hide these unwanted sailboats …

Outumaoro : hide these unwanted sailboats …

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Outumaoro : cachez ces indésirables voiliers…

Tahiti Pacifique from 11/15/19 by Dominique Schmitt

After the removal of mooring areas on the island of Moorea, especially at Tahiamanu beach, it is Tahiti's turn to tackle the sailboats. Thus, the bay of Outumaoro (our photo) crystallizes all the tensions, since a decree regulating the mooring there should "reconsider the lagoon occupation”, indicated the Minister of Regional Planning, Jean-Christophe Bouissou, who wishes ban anchor boats and, above all, clear the area in anticipation of the Tahitian Village project ... Although to our knowledge it has still not found investors, it is thus at least fifty sailboats which must to be relocated. Problem: "We are all victims of our success. (…) We must now move forward and anticipate to achieve reasoned management of the occupation of our lagoons, "explained René Temeharo, Minister of Equipment and Land Transport. Clearly, the country is working to" offer alternatives suitable, which will be offered by the Autonomous Port of Papeete as far as it is concerned ", with, for example," the installation of moorings in Vaitupa bay ", or along the airport runway at Faa'a.
However, only 60% of the sailboats concerned will find a place, announced
Mr. Bouissou, which worries boaters. Other possible places have been suggested such as Phaëton Bay, in Papeari, but this option is not possible for everyone due to the distance: also, it has already drawn the wrath of Valentina Cross, who fears that these sailboats "come to swarm in the lagoon of Papeari, Mataiea or Atimaono". The elected sovereignist of the municipality of Teva i Uta even estimated that they are "lagoon squatters" or "polluters". It is however very bad to know the people of the sea, justly reputed to be very respectful of the environment! And then, by the way, remember that the country brings in giant and ultra-polluting cruise ships in the city center of Papeete…
In a press release, the Association of sailboats in Polynesia (AVP) offers the government "a study with the aim of better knowing the sailboats actually present on the scene, by making a list of the situations and current expectations of each user" in order to to "facilitate the relocation of sailboats in the best of situations". The AVP also recalls that nautical tourism brings in no less than 16.6 billion Fcfp each year to the Polynesian economy.



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