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Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

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TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
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What future for yachting in Polynesia?

Home Association in the mediaWhat future for yachting in Polynesia?

What future for yachting in Polynesia?

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While the country has asked the sailboats located in Outumaoro bay, in Faa'a, to leave the premises by next March, the Association of Sailboats in Polynesia is concerned about the lack of suitable infrastructure to this growing activity, as well as the very restrictive evolution of the conditions of stay of boaters at the fenua. For its part, the Polynesian Maritime Affairs Directorate (DPAM) ensures that "the country is working to develop solutions".

Crédit photo : Dominique Schmitt

Photo credit: Dominique Schmitt
After the government’s announcement of its desire to have moored sailboats moved to Outumaoro Bay, a major problem is surfacing: there are not enough infrastructures to accommodate boaters in Polynesia. The Association of Sailing Boats in Polynesia (AVP) wonders about the solutions envisaged by the Country, especially as the regulations in force seem opaque. The community of seafarers thus navigates in troubled waters and can no longer bear to be stigmatized by the population living "on land". Often accused of pollution, she is always committed to respecting the environment and has even locally created a charter of good conduct. Besides, should it be specified that the organic waste of boaters concentrated on the West Coast (Faa’a and Punaauia) is less harmful for the flora and fauna than the discharges of the 60,000 people who live there? In addition, most boats are now fitted with recovery tanks for "black water" (toilet water and toilet) and it is sufficient, if not, to punish recalcitrants and to impose them system installation ...
TAHITI PACIFIQUE - Friday December 13, 2019 - written by Dominique Schmitt
To read the whole of this File, order Tahiti Pacifique n° 422 en click here

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