Minutes of the meeting of the Office of 19/03/19 on the Suricat cata in Papeete
Were present:
- Arnaud Jordan
- Eric Pinel
- Rehel
- Nathalie Garnier
- Florent Gachod
- Bernard Guillou
------------------------------------------- Start: 9:15 a.m. ------------------------------------------------
Many participants do not become members; review the procedure to make it clearer.
Problem: former member who registers on the site, difficult to make the link
Compare MAILPOET's list to the Members list, once a month
Forum: shared opinions: case perhaps not so simple (moderators, rules creating topics, module purchase, ...); Wait.
Purchase backprojector to Guillaume for 10,000F
Eric will take pictures for the trombinoscope
Should we contact the press?
Shared opinions, it's still too early, we can be taken as "targets"; Wait. The AVP should not do the Service, we must avoid being on the front line.
Meeting with the Government (Minister of Planning, ...)?
Shared opinions: we are "nothing"; Wait.
Meeting with High Commissioner?
Probably no power in this area.
Contact representing Tapura in Moorea, evans likely opponent in the 2020 elections?
Are the authorities aware of the potential consequences of the upcoming MLP, which could block everything in the future (nautical investments, cruises, among others)? If so, they are involved, and there is no point in getting excited ...
Archipelagos: meet them quickly to clarify their position: are they satisfied or not with the text of the PGEM? And if so, what are they considering?
Régine asks for a checkbook for the AVP, Arnaud doesn't mind
Regina offers authors articles on the site to identify
Navigator's Guide to Uses and Customs by Island
Open a forum to bring ideas. The goal is to have participation - to make signage.
Arnaud proposes to meet:
YCT President: Tony
President of the Tahitian Sailing Federation
Doudou de St-Cyr (SAGA, rights defender, ...)
Regina proposes to go to the DPAM to get statistics on popeetisation
To collect all the problems faced by sailboats. Soon CLASH with all the sailboats that will arrive and the setting up of the new PGEM
AVP's strategy vis-à-vis the MMPP
Comments are made on the registry to obtain an amendment to the current text, and to report that there have been perceived legal flaws in it. We wait until the public inquiry is completed (report of the investigating commissioner published), or even the decree prescribing the PGEM.
Then, very divided opinions: legal confrontation if it is possible or do nothing ...
Legal consultation to be prepared, for an informed opinion of Polynesian law specialist.
Site: link to the "Blue Flag" website
Regina has contacted a member who is currently translating the main elements of the PGEM into English
---------------------------------- End of meeting: 12:---------------------------------------------- p.m.
Florent / correction Bernard