Minutes of the meeting of 19/12/18 on the cata SURICAT at the marina of Papeete
Were present:
Arnaud Jordan
Eric Pinel
Bernard Guillou
Régine Rehel
Florent Gachod
----------------------------------------------------------- Start: 17:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------
CARTE AVP: 1st partner to appear on the site: SVB marine
Other local partners need to be found:
- Arnaud and Eric take care of STHM (and ACE/STH) through Mike
- Florent for Nautisport and Fuller Painting
- We put in stand-by Polynesia Marine, Ocean2000 and TYA (Michel Balzer)
- Arnaud's idea: to propose AMITRANSIT as a partner, Arnaud will meet his contact
- Also consider Vodaphone
The partners will appear in the 'partner' section, the advertising banner will be paid for.
Bernard proposes to make an article on tax-free
The site has been in place since 11/19/18
- Persistent problems: lost images, news, ...
- Registration and payment improvement test
- We do not show our email addresses, this field will be replaced by the address of his own blog.
- you have to track the payments to update the member's profile (state from 'participant' to 'member')
- Setting up a shared document to quickly improve the site and correct defects (and faults!)
- "DON" button?
- Whoever wants to make an article does it himself ...
Finding ambassadors to be better represented (e.g. host boat in Nuku, ...)
Lister point Wi-Fi efficient, free .... ? Note: WDG is abandoned (qq spots still functional)
Making the link via site: group shopping ads?
Small videos (qq mn) in progress: typical veil profiles
The price of the king's cake is set at 100Fcp (Sunday 13-01-2019, Casa)
-------------------------------------------------- End of meeting: 10:------------------------------------------------------------- p.m.
. Florent Gachod - Secretary