Notes from AJ (waiting for notes from Adrien Del Pia and a joint editorial with Régine)
Meeting with Onyx LE BIHAN Thursday, May 22, 2018 about The Moorea PGEM

Archive Photo: The Tahitihttp://consu Dispatch
Ms. Onyx LE BIHAN is ready to come and explain the mayor's approach to the Sailors at an information meeting
A public utility survey will take place after the second round of elections. This is our last opportunity to act and influence the project.
Arguments will be categorized according to the relevance of the remarks (public utility, provenance of constructive remarks, relevant or not...) by the Commissioner - rapporteur
The project
No fairground mooring but only daytime fairground mooring, in identified areas
Everywhere else is 48 hours or 7 days. Paying everywhere
regulation by zone or zone type
We, boaters who use the lagoon, can participate in the public inquiry: no discrimination at first sight
To prepare people change current projects are not disseminated to people, in order to avoid unnecessary confusion.
CLEM elected, no representative of sailboats but possibility to be present
CLEM eventually becomes a standing committee in which sailboats could be present
Association du PGEM
Sleeping sailors
sustainable boating, communication
Predicting is their goal
Possible event overrun or annual review
Sanctions and control DPAM and Maritime Affairs are competent