Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?
Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

Créer du lien au sein de l’association et nous connaître un peu mieux. Parce qu’une association c’est avant tout créer des occasions de se rencontrer, d’échanger, nous avons décidé de déclencher ces occasions afin que tous les adhérents puissent avoir un vrai rôle participatif, que chacun puisse...

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Comment adhérer à l'Association ?
1 - Chez nos représentants :
TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
2 - Ou en ligne sur ce site
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Un espace membre réservé
- Accès privilégié à des bons plans partagés
- Participation aux commandes groupées
- Des informations actualisées au quotidien
- Des forums pour s'exprimer et échanger
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L'Association des Voiliers en Polynésie c'est avant tout un réseau de :
317 adhérents et 293 voiliers
606 abonnés Newsletter
6 antennes dans les iles
3347 abonnés sur Facebook
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Fish Concentration Device

Home Fish Concentration Device

You may have already come across buoys on the high seas that looked like this and you wondered what those buoys were doing in the middle of nowhere, anchored by more than -2000m deep!!

This anchoring of deep-sea beacons called "DCP", which began for French Polynesia in 1981, is the continuation of the country's programme to support the fishing sector, at the request of professionals in the sector.

Thanks to fish concentration schemes, Polynesian fishermen who engage in food, artisanal and commercial activity can increase their catch and reduce their operating costs by going to well-identified sites.

The DCPs are therefore located close to the islands or atolls (between 1 to 15 miles from the coast).
! Attention! They are not illuminated at night and are therefore only visible during the day.
They generally do not pose a risk to navigation, but their positions should be noted to avoid collision with a sailboat. The cost of a DCP is extremely high, so it should not be damaged. It is also forbidden to sail or fish within 100m of a DCP.

There are three types of DCP in Polynesia:

on floating anchor

Light anchor
on dead body

Heavy anchor
on dead body

In the form of a floating raft
mesh, a GPS beacon
accompanies it most of the time.

Chapels of yellow buoys,
anchored up to -200m deep

Chapels of yellow buoys,
anchored up to -2000m deep

Location of Concentration Devices in Polynesia:

We provide boaters with information about their locations (note that the avoidance radius of some CPDs can extend up to 0.5 miles due to the depth of the anchorage):

- Download the PDF file with the list of GPS points of all DCPs: List of DCpCs (GPS points)

- View DCPs in real time on this page: Location map of DCPs in Polynesia


Instructions to sign up for Membership in English :

  1. Follow this link to become a member
  2. Next, "Adhesion 2024 (Membership 2024)"
    > Select the "Choix de l'adhésion (number of members)" you want to sign up using the drop down next to the price of 16,76 euros ($20)
  3. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
  4. Next enter "Prenom (first name) and Nom (last name)",
    > Click the small box if you want to receive a confirmation membership at this address,
    > Fill in "Nom du bateau (boat name)" and "email".
  5. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
    > Enter your "Nom (name)" and "email address", "Date de naissance (date of birth)", "Pays de résidence (country of residence)" and click
  6. Next  click "Etape suivante" (next step).
  7. Click the two boxes accepting terms and conditions.
  8. Click "Valider et payer (validate and pay)", select your payment method and you are done.