Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?
Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

Créer du lien au sein de l’association et nous connaître un peu mieux. Parce qu’une association c’est avant tout créer des occasions de se rencontrer, d’échanger, nous avons décidé de déclencher ces occasions afin que tous les adhérents puissent avoir un vrai rôle participatif, que chacun puisse...

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Comment adhérer à l'Association ?
1 - Chez nos représentants :
TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
2 - Ou en ligne sur ce site
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- Des forums pour s'exprimer et échanger
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L'Association des Voiliers en Polynésie c'est avant tout un réseau de :
317 adhérents et 293 voiliers
606 abonnés Newsletter
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3347 abonnés sur Facebook
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No polluting discharge sets up at sea and sorting waste

Home No polluting discharge sets up at sea and sorting waste

We all know, of course, that the vast majority of sea pollution comes from the land, but we must be exemplary on the water. 

1 - Use of eco-friendly products with high biodegradability potential.

There are now products manufactured on Polynesian territory that have been developed to greatly limit the impact on the environment:
---- Green dishwashing liquid produced by TIKITEA. (Its packaging in 5kg, generates less plastic and thus reduces the production/storage of waste on a boat). Its price is finally a major asset! it is much cheaper per litre than all its "polleurs" competitors (275xpf for 500ml).

There are simple solutions to make eco-friendly and environmentally friendly liquid laundry yourself at a price that defies all competition and for equal efficiency.
Simply melt pieces of marseille soap into liquid black soap to which bicarbonate of soda and possibly a few drops of lavender essence are added to perfume the laundry.

2 - Selective sorting of waste on board:

In this article, we try to synthesize the sorting instructions, which are different on each island.
The general guideline, in the form of a slogan, is simple:

Nothing overboard: all the rubbish sorted at the port!

Let's be blameless: at anchoring, throwing food overboard changes the ecosystem of the place but it is perhaps the gesture that attracts us the most discontent; Would you throw garbage through the window of your car?

Tahiti and Moorea

Near the Marinas, you will find green and grey bins and often special containers for special waste. Find out about the conditions on the spot, which can change quickly. In Moorea, two ferries are planned for boaters at the Kaveka Hotel, Cook Bay

Common waste

In the 12 municipalities of Tahiti and Moorea that make up the FENUA MA Union there are green bins and grey bins. Except for special waste, we sort:


Tahiti Moorea Green Sorting

Green bin: plastic bottles, papers, newspapers, cartons, metal boxes, aluminium cans PROPRES AND IN VRAC

Grey bin: all the rest IN SAC

Special container: Glass bottles, jars

Special waste

All this waste is collected specially at voluntary points of supply, sometimes close to marinas.

Bulky, Oil, Batteries, Batteries and Accumulators, Rockets

Imperatively in one of the voluntary contribution points set up in Tahiti. Especially NOT in a green or grey bin!

Nautisport in Fare Ute, Sailtech, the fishing port and the reprocessing and sorting centre of Motu Uta (Papeete), the Yacht Club of Tahiti (Arue), the Taina Marina (Punaauia), the Ace and Nautisport Industrie-NSI stores (Taravao) and finally the landfill Paihoro technique.


Regular collections in the communes, organized by Fenua Ma:

Ink cartridges and toners, Lamps LBC, Neons, bulbs, Other Toxic products (paints, antifouling..)


Household garbage tax: 1000 CFP/week/boat. In front of the bakery, you can drop off cans and clear plastic bottles.
Since the atoll does not have a waste treatment system (since there is currently only one open dump or all the waste is accumulated in bulk), we recommend that boaters avoid depositing waste on the this island, which is also classified as a Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO).

Makemo and Rangiroa

Aluminium cans are sorted and sent to Papeete

Nuku Hiva

There are containers on the "little dock" for the garbage cans, all things in.
On the other hand, on the wasteland in front of the common room, there are containers where you can deposit: transparent plastic - opaque plastic - glass- aluminium (cans) and metals (canned) as well as batteries.

For more information, see Florent's article here: Waste Management on Board.


Instructions to sign up for Membership in English :

  1. Follow this link to become a member
  2. Next, "Adhesion 2024 (Membership 2024)"
    > Select the "Choix de l'adhésion (number of members)" you want to sign up using the drop down next to the price of 16,76 euros ($20)
  3. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
  4. Next enter "Prenom (first name) and Nom (last name)",
    > Click the small box if you want to receive a confirmation membership at this address,
    > Fill in "Nom du bateau (boat name)" and "email".
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    > Enter your "Nom (name)" and "email address", "Date de naissance (date of birth)", "Pays de résidence (country of residence)" and click
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  8. Click "Valider et payer (validate and pay)", select your payment method and you are done.