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Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

Créer du lien au sein de l’association et nous connaître un peu mieux. Parce qu’une association c’est avant tout créer des occasions de se rencontrer, d’échanger, nous avons décidé de déclencher ces occasions afin que tous les adhérents puissent avoir un vrai rôle participatif, que chacun puisse...

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TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
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317 adhérents et 293 voiliers
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Meeting with Mr François CHAUMETTE, commander of the port of Papeete –

Home Minutes of AVP meetingsMeeting with Mr François CHAUMETTE, commander of the port of Papeete –

Meeting with Mr François CHAUMETTE, commander of the port of Papeete –

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Was present:
Florent Gachod
Eric Pinel

The purpose of the meeting: regulation of the anchorage in front of Faa'a airport, and more ...

We met on 07/02/19 Mr François Chaumette who is the director of the Autonomous Port of Papeete.
Cdr Chaumette explains that there is indeed a tough regulation to come on the anchorage in front of the airport as well as the one in front of Taina. It is aware of the very high demand of boaters to have mooring areas close to the city centre and is rather favorable; currently mooring is prohibited throughout the area managed by the autonomous port (from the Taunoa Pass to the Taapuna Pass), except for areas identified as authorized, areas that are currently under review.

Today the so-called "precautionary" anchorage is just tolerated in the area north of the airport. This area has been completely prohibited by decree since 1987 (Order 339 CM of March 27, 1987) to any boat "bridged" ... to all types of sailboats. Until today it has allowed a certain tolerence and has only served as a reminder of the regulations to sailboats stationed in this area. It draws our attention that it may be with regret, forced (by its management) very soon to verbalize offenders, but that it is trying to find and submit alternatives to the will of the autonomous port to remove all "tolerated" mooring areas to date.

In addition, any boat movement or mooring should in theory be reported to the lookout (vhf 12).
Mr Chaumette is very interested in our association because it will allow him to disseminate important information (regulated mooring zone, identification procedure with the lookout, reporting of any anomalies).

He will share our comments with his management and encourage us to meet very quickly with the ministers in charge of the file for a 'convergence of actions in the same direction'

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