Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?
Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

Créer du lien au sein de l’association et nous connaître un peu mieux. Parce qu’une association c’est avant tout créer des occasions de se rencontrer, d’échanger, nous avons décidé de déclencher ces occasions afin que tous les adhérents puissent avoir un vrai rôle participatif, que chacun puisse...

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Comment adhérer à l'Association ?
1 - Chez nos représentants :
TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
2 - Ou en ligne sur ce site
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Un espace membre réservé
- Accès privilégié à des bons plans partagés
- Participation aux commandes groupées
- Des informations actualisées au quotidien
- Des forums pour s'exprimer et échanger
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L'Association des Voiliers en Polynésie c'est avant tout un réseau de :
317 adhérents et 293 voiliers
606 abonnés Newsletter
6 antennes dans les iles
3347 abonnés sur Facebook
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Navigation possible but limited

Home Covid-19Navigation possible but limited

Navigation possible but limited

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From April 19th until May 12th, 2020, pleasure boating is allowed within 2 miles of your island. Ni inter-island is allowed unless approved by DPAM. No passage between Taihiti and Moorea is allowed. It is prohibited for all pleasure craft on an international voyage towards French Polynesia to stop, anchor or station here, or to offload anyone in the territorial waters until further notice.

Art. 11: By way of derogation to Art. 10, the head of Maritime Affairs, in relation with the local Maritime Authority, may authorize a stop over or anchorage of a pleasure craft in need of technical assistance or re-provisioning under the heading of international agreements. Such granted authorizations are for a limited time. In this case, pleasure vessels must announce themselves forty eight (48) hours prior to arrival, the captain must make contact and indicate the health status of all persons to the Port of Papeete and the JRCC, and advise as the case may be the relevant symptoms (fever, cough…). The passengers and crew of these vessels authorized to stop over are not authorized to disembark, at a dock or at sea without having observed quarantine on board the vessel for at least 14 days from their last stop over. After this period, the rules in force for all other people will apply to those on board.

Source : http://lexpol.cloud.pf/document.php?document=394570&deb=3590&fin=3593&titre=QXJyw6p0w6kgbsKwIDE2OTggQ0FCIGR1IDI4LzA0LzIwMjA=&fbclid=IwAR2y7L-o4D_CEtjf0TnBaKfy3GBC6whm7_StEhndJ6-27gUnWhcZsqPBPsw

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Instructions to sign up for Membership in English :

  1. Follow this link to become a member
  2. Next, "Adhesion 2024 (Membership 2024)"
    > Select the "Choix de l'adhésion (number of members)" you want to sign up using the drop down next to the price of 16,76 euros ($20)
  3. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
  4. Next enter "Prenom (first name) and Nom (last name)",
    > Click the small box if you want to receive a confirmation membership at this address,
    > Fill in "Nom du bateau (boat name)" and "email".
  5. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
    > Enter your "Nom (name)" and "email address", "Date de naissance (date of birth)", "Pays de résidence (country of residence)" and click
  6. Next  click "Etape suivante" (next step).
  7. Click the two boxes accepting terms and conditions.
  8. Click "Valider et payer (validate and pay)", select your payment method and you are done.