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L'Association des Voiliers en Polynésie c'est avant tout un réseau de :
317 adhérents et 293 voiliers
606 abonnés Newsletter
6 antennes dans les iles
3347 abonnés sur Facebook
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Who are the members?

Home Who are the members?

Claudia Mendes
Heidi Merrett
Muoi Mirams
Aurelia Mocatta
Selma Molinari
Lyda Monaghan
Brooke Monahan
Tanya Mondragon
Milo Monroy
Nate Montenegro
Indira Moreira
Bell Morey
Reginald Mosher
Augusta Mullin
Marylyn Mullings
Chu Mulvany
Ramonita Murray
Carey Murtagh
Stewart Muscio
Lashay Myres
Hildegarde Nagel
Christa Nash
Jim Naylor
Fidel Newby
Carma Nicholls
Jens Nickel
Kelli Nickel
Roberta Nickerson
Heidi Northmore
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Rusty Noyes
Lupita Nyhan
Francesca Oddo
Josh Ojeda
Andres Ormond
Ernesto Pack
Mia Padilla
Darcy Palafox
Candelaria Palmer
John Pamphlett
Numbers Parker
Pat Parkhurst
Christen Paulsen
Felisha Pawsey
Leo Peace
Gabriel Pendleton
Stacey Perryman
Winfred Persinger
Jason Pethard
Rita Petit

Instructions to sign up for Membership in English :

  1. Follow this link to become a member
  2. Next, "Adhesion 2024 (Membership 2024)"
    > Select the "Choix de l'adhésion (number of members)" you want to sign up using the drop down next to the price of 16,76 euros ($20)
  3. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
  4. Next enter "Prenom (first name) and Nom (last name)",
    > Click the small box if you want to receive a confirmation membership at this address,
    > Fill in "Nom du bateau (boat name)" and "email".
  5. Next click "Etape suivante" (Next step),
    > Enter your "Nom (name)" and "email address", "Date de naissance (date of birth)", "Pays de résidence (country of residence)" and click
  6. Next  click "Etape suivante" (next step).
  7. Click the two boxes accepting terms and conditions.
  8. Click "Valider et payer (validate and pay)", select your payment method and you are done.