Were present:
- Arnaud Jordan
- Bernard Guillou
- Rehel
- Florent Gachod
- Nathalie Garnier
- Eric Pinel-Peschardiere
Location: Grand Large Residence
-------------------------------------------- Start: 8:15 a.m. ----------------------------------------------
Eric goes to see the minimum order, we start on a first double-sided order of 200 copies.
For AVP members, the charter membership fee is set at 2000Fcp, including the pavilion.
For non-members the price is set at 3000Fcp.
The renewal of the pavilion is set at 1000Fcp, it will be put in place later.
Idea: order Polynesian and Marquesas pavilions (sale only for members)
CARTES 2020: order made
Reorder the existing flyer with the Ecocean Charter logo
Creating a special flyer charter, to recall its content. But we need all the partners' logos and it's going to take time.
See with TAI MOANA for broadcast channel. For Panama?
It's a free plugin that automatically translates the page and then manually changes it.
The idea is to give WORDPRESS access to Anglo-Saxons who can translate the French version directly online, in English.
To avoid duplicates, the translator will need to sign the document at the bottom of the page.
The translation must be organized by creating a listing of articles.
It is also possible to translate offline, then copy and paste and (unfortunately) re-page online.
Work meeting on Monday, November 25 at 9:00 a.m. on Florent's boat
Why were the letters (request from the mayor of Bora, Punaauia, etc.) not sent?
Letter request of appointment to Buissou sent (modified without explanation ...), no response so far
Kito SYLVAIN from BBMS called us to give his version of the accident with the CATa ARCHER in Bora, very different version, but in no way erasing his probable responsibility.
We will modify the article of the site to disseminate its explanations in parallel.
2nd quote very expensive
According to CREOCEAN, the analysis will not be conclusive in case of high measured pollution, as there are a lot of local wastewater discharges from Punaauia - pollution generated by hydrocarbons from roads (very important). Escheria Coli without impacts on corals. Good currentology at the anchorage (10 cm/s on average), ensuring a complete and rapid renewal of the water mass.
We are waiting to see the TNTV article to validate the first analysis quote.
Find a wreck and make an example of deconstruction from A to Z. See on Taravao where it will be simpler.
Short article published in Tahiti-Pacific 20 (brief). Longer article to come, probably (D. Schmit).
Interviews: Radio 1, TNTV: ongoing
Eric's mail to explain that if dead bodies become paid then it will be more complicated to manage.
Coral Gardener: offer a partnership to do training; go through Ryan.
------------------------------------- End of the meeting: 12:00 -------------------------------------------