Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?
Pourquoi adhérer à l'AVP en 2022 ?

Créer du lien au sein de l’association et nous connaître un peu mieux. Parce qu’une association c’est avant tout créer des occasions de se rencontrer, d’échanger, nous avons décidé de déclencher ces occasions afin que tous les adhérents puissent avoir un vrai rôle participatif, que chacun puisse...

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Comment adhérer à l'Association ?
1 - Chez nos représentants :
TAHITI : Tahiti Yacht Accessoire à la marina Taina (Michel Baltzer)
HIVA OA : Maintenance Marquises Service (Chantier naval)
FAKARAVA : Fakarava Yacht Services (au village)
FAKARAVA : Pakokota Yacht Services (Pension Pakokota)
2 - Ou en ligne sur ce site
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- Des forums pour s'exprimer et échanger
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Home Posts Categorized as “Minutes of AVP meetings” (Page 2)

Minutes of the meeting of the Office of 19/03/19 on the Suricat cata in Papeete

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Minutes of the meeting of the Office of 19/03/19 on the Suricat cata in Papeete

Were present:
- Arnaud Jordan
- Eric Pinel
- Rehel
- Nathalie Garnier
- Florent Gachod
- Bernard Guillou

------------------------------------------- Start: 9:15 a.m. ------------------------------------------------

Many participants do not become members; review the procedure to make it clearer.
Problem: former member who registers on the site, difficult to make the link
Compare MAILPOET's list to the Members list, once a month

Forum: shared opinions: case perhaps not so simple (moderators, rules creating topics, module purchase, ...); Wait.

Purchase backprojector to Guillaume for 10,000F

Eric will take pictures for the trombinoscope

Should we contact the press?
Shared opinions, it's still too early, we can be taken as "targets"; Wait. The AVP should not do the Service, we must avoid being on the front line.

Meeting with the Government (Minister of Planning, ...)?
Shared opinions: we are "nothing"; Wait.

Meeting with High Commissioner?
Probably no power in this area.

Contact representing Tapura in Moorea, evans likely opponent in the 2020 elections?

Are the authorities aware of the potential consequences of the upcoming MLP, which could block everything in the future (nautical investments, cruises, among others)? If so, they are involved, and there is no point in getting excited ...

Archipelagos: meet them quickly to clarify their position: are they satisfied or not with the text of the PGEM? And if so, what are they considering?

Régine asks for a checkbook for the AVP, Arnaud doesn't mind

Regina offers authors articles on the site to identify

Navigator's Guide to Uses and Customs by Island
Open a forum to bring ideas. The goal is to have participation - to make signage.

Arnaud proposes to meet:
YCT President: Tony
President of the Tahitian Sailing Federation
Doudou de St-Cyr (SAGA, rights defender, ...)

Regina proposes to go to the DPAM to get statistics on popeetisation

To collect all the problems faced by sailboats. Soon CLASH with all the sailboats that will arrive and the setting up of the new PGEM

AVP's strategy vis-à-vis the MMPP
Comments are made on the registry to obtain an amendment to the current text, and to report that there have been perceived legal flaws in it. We wait until the public inquiry is completed (report of the investigating commissioner published), or even the decree prescribing the PGEM.
Then, very divided opinions: legal confrontation if it is possible or do nothing ...
Legal consultation to be prepared, for an informed opinion of Polynesian law specialist.

Site: link to the "Blue Flag" website

Regina has contacted a member who is currently translating the main elements of the PGEM into English

---------------------------------- End of meeting: 12:---------------------------------------------- p.m.

Florent / correction Bernard

Report of the General Assembly of 08/03/19 at the Town Hall of Punauuia –

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Punaauia Town Hall
6:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
41 people, including the full Office

Introducing the President

  • avoid unnecessary and unrealistic claims
    Avoid excessive commodification (of the website)

  • Avoid TA trials: only if necessary


  • unite passing sailboats

  • improving the cohesion of boaters

  • build legitimacy and representativeness

  • defend access to the remaining public spaces and freedom

  • give a better image of sailboats, especially ecological

  • appear as a force for proposals

  • and of course, offer discounts through partners

A 2018 Business Report

The Office has carried out the following actions:

Meeting with the President of the Maritime Cluster (Gérard SIU)
This meeting was very disappointing: the Cluster seems for the moment to consider Archipelagoes as the only interlocutor in terms of pleasure, whether professional or amateur. Moreover, the image of sailboats in the mind of Mr SIU is like that of a truncated...
Nevertheless, a second interview is planned soon...

Meeting with the Commander of the Autonomous Port of Papeete (Mr François CHAUMETTE)
The PAP manages the lagoon to the Tapuna Pass, and the Taina Marina, as well as its organized mooring area.
Anchoring in front of the airport is prohibited at night.
There is a government will to close the fairground mooring in Taina; THE PAP could install additional mooring areas, but obviously pay. Several restricted areas are envisaged near Papeete (bay north of the Intercontinental, airport control tower, Technimarine...), but also further as in Mahina.
Crossing the runway lines: the procedure is poorly followed. The AVP has proposed to establish a standard procedure and disseminate it. The Port Vigie is very favourable, but it is the commander of the port who ultimately decides.
Local news is likely to slow down these discussions ...

Note: France has delegated the management of the lagoon to Polynesia (autonomy status of 2004); however, there remains a broad uncertainty around the respective responsibilities of the various administrations in charge of the maritime domain (DPAM, DIREN, Fisheries, Planning, etc.).

Possible meeting with the Government

We plan to meet with members of the Government. To do this, we need more legitimacy (in other words, more members: see next).
The Government takes sailboats for polluters, and that do not move (sucker sailboats). We know that most of the pollution comes from the land, but it's going to be hard to get recognized despite many studies: sailboats are associated with "poo" in the water!
So we need a more positive discourse in this area.
It is summarily estimated that an additional 450 sailboats are present in Polynesia as a result of the temporary admission increased to 36 months. It can create an embarrassment, a "visual pollution" in the words of some. The feeling of a part of the population is not good ("the sailboats pay nothing, no taxes, and clutter the lagoons ... ») ; hence the interest of trying to meet with the Minister of Equipment for which this is the area of responsibility.

Moorea PGEM Review

This is a difficult project that is of great concern to the members of the Board.
The public inquiry has been ongoing since 25 February.
Working and think-tank groups are being provided shortly to define the general position of the AVP, and to prepare a standard commentary that can be used as a blueprint for the observations you will record in the official registers: interested members are interested to register at the end of this AG.
(see below for more)

Other points

It is planned to meet with the JRCC, with the idea of a standard procedure to be disseminated for cases of cyclone warning, tsunami or research/anxiety.

Website and partners

A big thank you to Eric who developed the new site, and works a lot to recruit partners.
The purpose of the partnership:

  • generate membership through the membership card, which by the proposed reductions represents a real more economical. The partners pay an entry ticket which is currently 2900 XPF and which is intended to be renegotiated next year.

  • also increase the volume of AVP members via AVP representatives in the islands, these representatives being essentially partners: the idea is that 100% of their clientele becomes members.

Vincent Roche (Maintenance Marquises Services) in Hiva Oa (85% of arriving sailboats pass here) will make a room available to AVP members;
Matthieu (Pakokota Yacht Services), who sees 65% of the sailboats passing through Fakarava at its moorings...
Michel Balzer in Taina, which remains a must for passing sailboats, etc. ...
All these partner-representatives will be able to create membership, live: the membership fee is "refunded" in 20,000 XPF purchases ...

Financial balance sheet

The Treasurer presents the accounts, from March 2018 to March 2019, which do not call for specific comments.
Expenditure: 92,349, revenue 234,000, balance 141.651 XPF (the summary table is attached).
Quitus given to the applause of the delirious room...

Composition of the office
Sophie Deriols, who resigned and whose work in the protests is being thanked here, is replaced by Nathalie Garnier.
The members of the board are:
   - Arnaud Jordan (President)
    - Eric Pinel-Peschardiere (Vice-President)
    - Regina Rehel (Treasurer)
    - Nathalie Garnier (Assistant Treasurer)
    - Florent Gachod (Secretary)
   - Bernard Guillou (Assistant Secretary)
The new Office was unanimously elected.
Quitus is given to the President for his 2018 management.
The association's statutes are also unanimously approved.

Business in progress

Update on Moorea's PGEM review

The rule is: it is forbidden to wet anywhere except in the permitted areas: the 48-hour mooring permit is lost on sand.
The number of sailboats is strictly limited by area, and the town hall (via the office of a standing committee) will decide every year how many boats it accepts (it has already announced in writing that it wants to further reduce the quotas of authorized moorings ...).
The public inquiry is very important, the investigating commissioner having to submit a report taking into account the comments of the public (so, you ...).
If the public inquiry does not lead to any changes in the text presented, there are elements that seem "attackable" in the file, with some of the most obvious:

  • many elements that discriminate against sailboats;

  • review committee headed exclusively by the town hall, which announced its intentions;

  • anchorage by 30/35m of bottom in the middle of the bay unrealistic for most sailboats;

  • no consideration of high seasonality;

  • etc, etc.

A table of the visiting commissioner's schedules appears on the AVP website, in particular he will be present in Papeete (Planning Service) on 15 and 16 April. [Penser à joindre d’une manière ou d’une autre la proposition faite par l’AVP en 2017 (dossier Delpia)].
Workshop on the new PGEM: Tuesday, March 12, 6 p.m. at the Yacht Club d'Arue.

Marina Taina
The fairground mooring will certainly become organized; the question of its exact sizing remains, as well as the development of complementary zones.

Bora Bora
We need an AVP representative in Bora Bora.
A request for 2 additional shallower mooring areas is underway.
Strategy against recent media "attacks" against boating
The Office is in favour of avoiding direct or aggressive frontal responses as much as possible, and seeking consultation before considering other means of action.

Next activities

Water chips at Taina Marina, in front of Casa Bianca: Saturday, June 29, 2019:
Open to all, from 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; sale of drinks and cakes for the benefit of the AVP; 2 volunteers wanted to hold the AVP booth (sales and recruitment) from 6:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Water chips at the Marina d'Arue: no date at the moment.

Clean-Up day at the Yacht Club in Arue on Saturday, June 22, 2019:
Open to all: cleaning of waste in the lagoon of Arue, motu area; in partnership with the diving club, the Yacht Club of Tahiti, the sailing school of Arue, the canoe club and all the players in the area.

World Oceans Day, Paofai Park, early June, 12-5:00 p.m. (upcoming date, Saturday):
Village of associations, fun activities (seamanship workshop, ...), communication around the preservation of the oceans (waste management and use of "lagoon-frienly" products, ...); communication with the public on the eco-responsible lifestyle of boaters; 3/4 or more volunteers, sought to run the booth (animation and/or communication).

#Activités to develop

A regular potluck or barbecue seems very difficult due to a lack of suitable location.
Organization of hikes: volunteer members to organize (courses, public transport or carpooling, registrations and planning, etc. ...) are highly sought after.
Heritage Day, at the Museum of Tahiti and the Islands, in mid-September: festive event around Polynesian heritage.
Project to be developed: in 2018, cancelled due to lack of volunteers to supervise the event. Proposals: workshops (seamanship, modelling sailboats, preparations of homemade ecological products, canned goods... other ideas?), modelling of sailing, boat visits?, sky observation/aerology; stargazing (if evening festivities)
Needs: at least 5 volunteers to work on the project initially.

Waste Composter, at Arue Marina
Project at the initiative of Emeline (from the Taina marina) but which seems difficult to set up on this site at first; proposed installation of a composting device at the Arue marina on a smaller scale to assess the feasibility of the project. Proposal to purchase a wooden composter made by students at Puna'auia Vocational High School; Cost: 7000 XPF. Communication to users of marinas: compostable, non-compostable in Polynesia.

Polynesian Children's Initiative:
we are looking to develop actions of the type carried out by the catamaran Contretemps aux Marquises: see their page on the AVP website.
Create a link with the population, for example by taking children on board and showing them the reality of the boat. Next initiative with Moorea fruit juice plant, and Moorea children.
The associations need volunteers, the 6 members of the Office really can not do everything: do not hesitate to report by email if one of the job offers above interests you.....

Miscellaneous questions

- Problems with a few passing sailboats: for example, in the Marquesas with the theft of fruit in the gardens; in Fakarava with wild garbage depots...
The idea of making a charter displayed is good, but can be double-edged: it is shown that some sailboats behave badly, even if the AVP dissociates itself from these people. Ditto for shipwrecks or near-wrecks.
- Negative image of sailboats pooping in the water: what to do?
Insist to the relevant authorities on the requirement of a blackwater crate, and onshore treatment facilities.
- Payment of membership by boat or per person?
To date, it is per person

End of the General Assembly, followed by a pot offered to participants


  • Accounting balance sheet

  • Slidepresented

Ag AVP 2019 Slideshow - Accounting AVP 2018



[Florent - correction Bernard]

Minutes of the 21/02/19 meeting

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Meeting: Preparation for the March 8, 2019 GA

Were present:
Eric Pinel
Bernard Guillou
Régine Rehel
Florent Gachod

Arnaud Jordan
Sophie Deriols

          ---------------------------------------------------- Start: 8:30 a.m. ----------------------------------------------------------

Wreck boat and sucker boat:
Can we handle them? Can we do something about it? No solution because there is always an owner behind. Idea: to make yourself known to the JRCC

Eric contacted Vincent Roche of the MMS shipyard in Hiva Oa and Matthieu from Pakokota Yacht Services in Fakarava.
Matthew has a bad return about boaters (presence of garbage cans on motus)
You have to communicate, get in touch with the population and create a link, make initiatives and group these initiatives on a page of the site. In particular, study the realization of children's outings (local) for an afternoon on sailboat ...
Idea: make a poster to develop the right rules on land (like not taking fruit in the gardens without asking): Beware: it's double-edged! This idea is for now abandoned.

Member card: a second order has been placed to make sure you have them for the GA. These cards will be numbered, which will add to their management.

Internal 'new member' procedure to be validated
Procedure of island representatives for new members: provide a receipt book already stamped or with a stamp.

Re-register the statutes and plan to amend them so that a member of the board is elected for 3 years.

Prepa AG (agenda)
Creation of the Newsletter on the convening of the GA on Friday, March 8, 2019
Added to the agenda the validation of the contribution to 2000XPF
Reducing agenda items to focus on the essentials and wrap up the meeting within 2 hours.
Sending the newsletter twice (members and others)
Each member of the office prepares the computer presentation (PowerPoint, PDF or other) concerning his area of responsibility for video projection.

          --------------------------------------- End of meeting: 11:30 a.m. ----------------------------------------------------

Meeting with Mr François CHAUMETTE, commander of the port of Papeete –

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Was present:
Florent Gachod
Eric Pinel

The purpose of the meeting: regulation of the anchorage in front of Faa'a airport, and more ...

We met on 07/02/19 Mr François Chaumette who is the director of the Autonomous Port of Papeete.
Cdr Chaumette explains that there is indeed a tough regulation to come on the anchorage in front of the airport as well as the one in front of Taina. It is aware of the very high demand of boaters to have mooring areas close to the city centre and is rather favorable; currently mooring is prohibited throughout the area managed by the autonomous port (from the Taunoa Pass to the Taapuna Pass), except for areas identified as authorized, areas that are currently under review.

Today the so-called "precautionary" anchorage is just tolerated in the area north of the airport. This area has been completely prohibited by decree since 1987 (Order 339 CM of March 27, 1987) to any boat "bridged" ... to all types of sailboats. Until today it has allowed a certain tolerence and has only served as a reminder of the regulations to sailboats stationed in this area. It draws our attention that it may be with regret, forced (by its management) very soon to verbalize offenders, but that it is trying to find and submit alternatives to the will of the autonomous port to remove all "tolerated" mooring areas to date.

In addition, any boat movement or mooring should in theory be reported to the lookout (vhf 12).
Mr Chaumette is very interested in our association because it will allow him to disseminate important information (regulated mooring zone, identification procedure with the lookout, reporting of any anomalies).

He will share our comments with his management and encourage us to meet very quickly with the ministers in charge of the file for a 'convergence of actions in the same direction'

MEETING CR of 25/01/2019 –

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MEETING CR of 25/01/2019

Subject: Article published in Tahiti-Pacific No.399 of 25/01/2019 "Unwanted Sailboats in Moorea"

Present: Sophie, Arnaud, Bernard, Eric, Régine, excused: Florent.

Debates about the attitude to be held. Two diverging positions emerge:

- publication of a right of reply (light version: simply factual, hard version: offensive against the municipality and its untruths).

- do not react (newspaper read mainly by popaas, no facts or new statements ...)

We agree not to react at this time; on the other hand, we (Eric) will once again request an appointment with the mayor of Moorea (without much hope, the previous requests have remained unanswered).

Debates around the dissemination of this article. Again, two diverging positions:

- do nothing to avoid "putting oil on the fire";

- publish this Tahiti-Pacific article on the AVP website.

The posting of an article of a paid newspaper still on sale is not legal, it is appropriate to disseminate by email to all members, accompanied by a comment (Arnaud).

Contact the kite-surfers' association, which recently faced the same problems of arbitrary prohibition by the mayor of Moorea: it had won in Court (Regina).


- Validate with Stephanie Betz her figure of 100,000 xpf of head tax for three months, which seems unrealistic (Regina) Answer: she gave the figure 1000 xpf/day, extrapolated by the journalist for 90 days to 100,000 xpf...

- World Oceans Day: animations to prepare

- Interviewed by Sophie Michel Baltzer proposes the date of June 29 (autonomy) for the next chips. However, it is planned to do a second one around March/April (Arue or Taina).

- Sophie announces her resignation from the office from the next AG due to a happy event.



Minutes of the meeting of 15/01/19 –

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      The minutes of the 15/01/19 meeting at the Casa de Taina

Were present:
Arnaud Jordan
Eric Pinel
Bernard Guillou
Régine Rehel
Florent Gachod
Sophie Deriols

---------------------------------------------------- Start: 4:30 p.m. ----------------------------------------------------------

GA time too short:
New date set for Friday, March 8, 2019 at the town hall of Punaauia (booking by Régine), at 18:00 (4:30 p.m. for new memberships)
Prevent this change not a newsletter
We must prepare the agenda and send a summons 15 days before: working meeting on 28/01 at 4 p.m. with Arnaud, Sophie and Régine

Florent asks questions about the membership list and how it works.
Anomaly on the site: 'who are the members' becomes 'what are the members', to be corrected.
There have been new members, no one has been notified, follow-up is not always easy (especially in case of contribution payments by transfer). Communication problem, a solution: create a PAYPAL account for better tracking. Priority given to this problem.
Check the database
A new newsletter must be launched and other members of the proceedings office trained.
Make a quick tudo of the site to explain how it works and email to launch the site.
Work meeting scheduled for Thursday, 17/01 at 9 a.m. for Arnaud, Eric and Florent, on the Suricat cata (SITE - NEWSLETTER)

Change of the first page focused on 'defending boating'
Flyer validated, Eric takes care of the payment and sending.

We're trying to develop local correspondents. We need contacts on the islands to get feedback. The flyers will be distributed.
Florent takes care of Raiatea and the Marquesas.

Taina's is no longer used, it was a failure, Arnaud proposes to launch it on the YCT of Arue and take care of it.

Mail received:
Georges proposes to make an article on customs procedures
TEMANA IMPORT's request to be part of our partners

Positive response from the office.

Future projects:
Arnaud: increasing the base of providers
Sophie: joining 'Heritage Day'
Sailing Xperimental to contact
Project to sail moore the children of Moorea, Arnaud: see with Eric Panissard
Water chip: see with Michel Balzer for his opinion on an optimal date. Sophie takes care of it

--------------------------------------- End of meeting: 7:30 p.m. ---------------------------------------------------------

.                                                                                                                         Florent Gachod, Secretary

Minutes of the meeting of 19/12/18 –

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              Minutes of the meeting of 19/12/18 on the cata SURICAT at the marina of Papeete

Were present:
    Arnaud Jordan
    Eric Pinel
    Bernard Guillou
    Régine Rehel
    Florent Gachod


----------------------------------------------------------- Start: 17:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------

CARTE AVP: 1st partner to appear on the site: SVB marine

Other local partners need to be found:

  • Arnaud and Eric take care of STHM (and ACE/STH) through Mike
  • Florent for Nautisport and Fuller Painting
  • We put in stand-by Polynesia Marine, Ocean2000 and TYA (Michel Balzer)
  • Arnaud's idea: to propose AMITRANSIT as a partner, Arnaud will meet his contact
  • Also consider Vodaphone

The partners will appear in the 'partner' section, the advertising banner will be paid for.

Bernard proposes to make an article on tax-free

The site has been in place since 11/19/18

  • Persistent problems: lost images, news, ...
  • Registration and payment improvement test
  • We do not show our email addresses, this field will be replaced by the address of his own blog.
  • you have to track the payments to update the member's profile (state from 'participant' to 'member')
  • Setting up a shared document to quickly improve the site and correct defects (and faults!)
  • "DON" button?
  • Whoever wants to make an article does it himself ...

Finding ambassadors to be better represented (e.g. host boat in Nuku, ...)

Lister point Wi-Fi efficient, free .... ? Note: WDG is abandoned (qq spots still functional)

Making the link via site: group shopping ads?

Small videos (qq mn) in progress: typical veil profiles

The price of the king's cake is set at 100Fcp (Sunday 13-01-2019, Casa)

-------------------------------------------------- End of meeting: 10:------------------------------------------------------------- p.m.

.                                                                                                                                            Florent Gachod - Secretary

Meeting minutes of volunteers

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Date: 10/11/2018, 2pm-4.30pm, Punaauia Town Hall

Participants: 14 people, including board members.


  • Status of negotiations with Moorea Town Hall on the PGEM file
  • Proposals for action
  • Contributions

Moorea PGEM Review

  • Boaters were "forgotten" in the instructionphase phase of this revision (typical example: incongruous notion of "night mooring")
  • Being "exemplary" will certainly have no effect (but you have to be in spite of everything)


  • Press article on the complaint of the town hall of Moorea on the PGEM (request for a quasi-ban of mooring): it is an ultra-maximalist position, so to be taken with reservations about its real seriousness
  • Article P. Cosso: shared more than 1000 times on fb.
  • Article "Moorings in Huahine: the illustrations show mainly coral already dead, not live potatoes.
  • Chantal Spitz split an answer on fb on these articles, basically, I'm tired of these sailboats ...

Local aggression

  • Several cases of unfounded "requests" by locals to evacuate the anchorage immediately; whatever argument is used (authorized mooring, non-polluting, payer, ...) , in the end, the only real reason that ends up appearing is: the lagoon is mine, clears ...
  • Cases of proven threats against a sailboat, informed gendarmes, small reaction of the authorities to calm things down (south of Moorea)
  • Anglo-Saxons might be less affected by these problems (... perceived as "passing")?
  • List events of this nature?
  • Should we see the Minister of Tourism (remind her of the example of the various Caribbean islands boycotted by boaters due to numerous security problems (Haiti, Northern Venezuela, etc....)? She was promoting Polynesia in Panama, to sailboats ...
  • Communication on the various assaults
  • To the "young" who are excited?
  • Residents: don't care about the $$$ aspect
  • Local authorities (electoralism, ...?): the mayor of Moorea is the one of the "kite-surfing" banned overnight ...
  • Policies (rotten situation?)

Capture, privatization of the public domain

  • Restricting the freedom of the inhabitants themselves (who will also no longer be able to wet their boats)
  • Dissociate from boats parked at home (AirBnB and others) on Moorea's fairgrounds
  • Charters: little concerned, because will systematically obtain a derogation from any rule (typical professional example: case of "pink sands" in the PGEM/Fakarava Biosphere)

Taxation of boaters

  • Would indirectly answer the accusation of sailboats that pay nothing ... but no unanimity on the subject.
  •  The AVP must not propose taxation (such as a navigation permit) until the PF comes on its own.
  • It will be necessary to participate in the negotiation on the spot and the payment terms of this possible taxation (at the entrance in PF or by island, punctual/monthly/annual/stay, special case of the popeeties, amount, benefit included or not (garbage, ...), etc ...)


  • Plan a recruitment day (systematic door-to-door)
  • Use the file of an old petition to mail up proposals for AVP memberships

Help to the operation of the asso

  • GEX can make N/B photocopies at 10 frcs piece (flyers, ...)
  • Isabelle Roumagnac could be contacted for good quality English translations
  • Eric Pinel- Peschardière is the new Vice-President (to be officially validated at the next AG)

Film about life on a sailboat in Pf

  • mooring, NRJ, water, waste, expenses, local life integration, etc...
  • Purpose: to show what sailboats really are, to demystify with the locals, projections...
  • Scenario to prepare: Meeting November 20 at casa 5 p.m. on the subject
  • Opportunity contacts pros (P. Cosso)


  • revive the idea of making specific AVP T-shirts? Illustration? Thinking about it


  • The current contribution (1500 frcs) does not cover the expenses of the Asso.
    Its new amount will be 2000 frcs for the year 2019.


  • P. Cosso: contact Customs, for stats (written) entrances/exits of sailboats in PF in recent years (and all other useful data available on the subject: number of people per sailboat, report taxes popeetisation, ...)

Next office meeting: December 2, 2018, Casa Bianca, 5:00 p.m.

Assistant Secretary

Volunteer meeting

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VOLUNTEER, adj. and subst. 
B. [L'accent est mis sur le bon vouloir, le libre consentement]-[En parlant d'une pers.] Who performs freely chosen functions with good grace, and not-for-profit.

Join us for a meeting of the association's strengths and chart the path of the association's future actions


Saturday, November 10 from 14:00 to 16:00 Punaauia Town Hall

  • The status of negotiations with Moorea Town Hall on the MLP file
  • Proposals for action
  • Contributions

In the face of the interested and the evil, be with us, graceful and free. :-p

Summary of our 2018 business

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Here is a small summary of the activity of the association since the (already distant) AG of March 22, 2018.

We participated in World Oceans Day, which took place at Paofai Park, during which we had the opportunity to meet and make ourselves known by the marine community; Sophie led a workshop around marine knots, teaching visitors how to make toulin apples, among other things.

In June, the association organized an information meeting at the fare buddy of the P.f. on Moorea's new PGEM project, inviting: Heiriti ARAPARI (in charge of the PGEM in Moorea), Franck TAPUTUARAI (assistant tavana), Charly AMARU (nautical brigade mediator). This meeting brought together more than 60 people and was the subject of a strong relay by the local media (press, TV).

It soon became apparent during the presentation of the project that boaters were hardly invited to come and discuss the issues, and that many areas of uncertainty and uncertainty remain to be clarified regarding in particular the modalities of anchoring sailboats; 5 zones of organized moorings (dead bodies) would be provided, the time frames for installation, maintenance and financial contribution have yet to be defined; anchoring on sand bottoms would no longer be permitted. A maximum of 5 to 10 buoys would be provided for each area and would allow only very limited parking in duration.
The text of this draft, which has not yet been made public, will be submitted to public inquiry in The Town Halls of Moorea at a date that we do not yet know, but to which we are paying full attention. We invite you to come and make your remarks during this survey because this will be the last opportunity to amend the text before the final vote by the Council of Ministers.
An action to distribute leaflets on Taina's sailboats is under way in order to raise awareness of the issues at stake in the PGEM as possible. The full report is available on our website.

Following this meeting, Arnaud JORDAN and Franck TAPUTUARAI met in July in Moorea. The two men have known each other for a long time and the discussion is frank and open. The president of the AVP had the opportunity to defend the point of view of the sailboats and felt that he was being heard at least by this member of the city council. It had been decided to have an information meeting on the PGEM, but in Moorea, this time. It was postponed sine die. However, it remains on the agenda. Finally Franck was invited to visit a sailboat during the Cook Channel regatta, organized by the Yacht Club of Tahiti. Again, this was not possible...

Aurore Del PIA met Hereiti ARAPARI, Solange TIHANI and Franck TAPUTUARAI at Moorea Town Hall on October 5, 2018. Report published on the site.

A few members of the AVP met in Moorea, still on the theme of the PGEM. A lot of outreach work remains to be done. We try to find volunteers for a festive day...

Some expenses were incurred for the construction and printing of a banner with the AVP logo. The nautical fleas of Arue that we wanted to join could not take place and we are studying an option in Taina. We are organising Water fleas on November 11, 2018 at the Marina Taina.

We looked at the customs texts to meet the request of a boater who had acquired in Nouméa, a sailboat that was popeized in 2009 and who wished to settle in Polynesia.

Question: Should the import tax be repaid or not?

The association to function properly needs active volunteers, as the board members are also boaters and like to throw their bows to other islands which results in leaving the work to the remaining board members. So we appeal to all the people who want to help us on an ad hoc or more regular basis. Note the resignation of the vice-president for personal reasons, which reduces our team of volunteers.

We are open to your proposals and ideas, so don't hesitate to pass them on to us.

You can follow our news and participate, on the Facebook page of the association: association of sailboats in Polynesia, visit our website: www.voiliers.asso.pf

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